About Us

Our Mission

OUR MISSION : Our Mission is to estimate in advance the problems the employees are likely to face in discharge of their duties as they are directed to do; and submit the problems to the Govt sufficiently in advance.

APGEA has prepared a responsible Machinery to give necessary guidelines to the employees and stands as a support and inspiration in discharge of their duties with an admixture of hard work and Smart work inclusive of updated technology.

Our executive bodies from mandal/taluka level to state level shall bestow their efforts to reach the foresaid aims and objectives.

At the same time our state executive body shall nominate some special committees to make every effort that is necessary to study the ever changing economic, social and health conditions of the society and to strongly recommend for implementing rightful changes in the revision of policies in relation to their pay scales welfare activities of the employees......

And last but not the least under inevitable circumstances to fight to protect our rights against any government. The APGEA is the one and only association to work at all levels with devotion, dedication and coordination.


Our vision

Andhra Pradesh Government Employees Association (APGEA) concentrates on the Welfare and Wellbeing of AP Govt Employees. The Association endeavours to guide the Govt suitably in order to enable the employees discharge their duties with due responsibility and with stress-free approach.

Our first and foremost objective is to render all necessary support and assistance to the Govt in implementing its policies; and to bring to the notice of the Govt as and when necessary the stresses and strains faced by the employees in smooth and proper discharge of their duties.

Secondly we attempt to seek from the Govt rightful pay scales as well as basic, social and health facilities to meet the changing social and economic standards from time to time.

And ultimately to serve as an excellent liaison between the Govt and the employees to attain a healthy co-ordination and co-operation between them